Things Are Slowly Coming Together

My project is progressing and slowly coming together.

Published on August 10, 2020

Since my last blog post, I've logged roughly 5 hours of development time for my personal project. Despite the smaller than usual amount of hours, I still feel like I made some decent progress. I was actually excited when I ended my last development session.


I'm testing out how this table looks. It's alright I guess...

Dev Week Dev Hours
Aug 3-8 5

This week I spent some time creating a mockup of how I wanted a new "My Events" page to look. I'm using PrimeNG's table component, which leaves a lot to be desired. I'll worry about the styling later. I started testing the table and queried all my sample data and started to notice how quickly it started eating up my available reads. It's pretty interesting, because doing that made it very clear that I have to design the database much more differently than if I was using SQL and running my own database. Having said that, it didn't take much to query the database without rules.

Querying Firestore with rules is where things start to get interesting. Now I'm in the territory of securing data and working towards what deploying this in the real world is going to look like. As usual, the people at Google did a really good job at documenting how their stuff works and providing good examples to get you started. Once I read through the documentation on how to securely query data in Firebase, I was able to get my stuff working properly with security. That made me happy, because it was relatively easy to do and didn't involve me having to write endpoints and set up the logic that would handle the security. Backend code isn't hard, it's just more stuff to do. I know there are tradeoffs and I still haven't gotten into the less trivial stuff like data duplication or aggregation, which is going to involve me writing some Cloud Functions. Since Cloud Functions doesn't support C#, I'll be writing JavaScript code to be run in Node.js. Anyways, Firebase has impressed me so far.


It was a short work week, with a very busy weekend. I got a haircut, had a family photo shoot and visited the in-laws. That was the major reason that my development hours were on the low end. It's all good as long as I'm consistently working on my project and having a life, because it's really starting to come together.