First Tutorial Complete

I finished my first technical tutorial and accomplished one of my goals for this year.

Published on February 7, 2021

I finished my first technical tutorial, which was one of the goals I set out to accomplish this year. It feels pretty good and also got me thinking that I want to do more.

On the personal front, I felt a bit of a struggle trying to stay on track with exercising and working on my side project (technical tutorial). For the fitness part, I'm starting to notice a difference and it's pretty cool. Although, I slightly hurt me knee in the process.

Project Progress

Project Week Project Hours
Jan 31 - Feb 6 2.5

The project this time around was a technical tutorial. I finished it and it feels good, as I stated before. I picked an easy topic and one that I was familiar with. I think that was the main reason I finished it. Now I have a taste for blood (completing projects) and I'm thinking about all the different things I want to do. Consistently making progress in small chunks is really effective and doable for me. Sure it's takes longer, but in the end it gets done. I'm thinking I'll do 4 more written tutorials on Git and then move on to doing tutorials about application architecture. I could also continue working on my web project that I started a while ago and make tutorials about how I'm completing that and some of the technical decisions I made for that. I'm still not sure.


I felt like I exercised less this week, but I didn't. I think it's because I had a few more breaks in between. Regardless, I look forward to my workouts now, and I'm trying to think about what different exercises I could do to avoid getting bored or plateauing. I noticed that I've moved up in the weight that I lift, which is nice and should be expected if I'm working out consistently.

Unfortunately, my left knee is sore now. I was doing some deadlifts and probably did too much weight and screwed up my form, causing my left knee to be sore. I hurt my left knee a long time ago. It turned out to be a meniscus tear and it was because I did too much weight when I working out my legs. I guess I've been getting excited about my results, so I'll have to tone it down a bit. Go a little slower, be more controlled.

Even though I've been consistently doing this routine and feeling good about my progress, it does feel monotonous at times. I ended up giving myself a break and did a little less. I think that's okay. For the most part, I like the routine. I might have to change it up at some point, but for now it's good.