Father's Day

It's Father's Day today.

Published on June 20, 2021

Project Progress

Project Week Project Hours
Mon, Jun 14 - Sun, Jun 20 0.5

It was a slow week. With the little time I had, I determined that I'll be creating custom claims against Firebase and then protecting my controllers in ASP.NET 5 with some sort of custom authorization middleware. Not sure of the details yet, but policy-based authorization seems to be the latest hotness.


It's Father's Day today. My wife gave me the best gift I could ask for, she let me sleep in. Aside from the nice day that it was, one thing that sticks out in my mind is that my oldest daughter, proudly told the cashier at Lowe's that it was Father's Day today and that she loved me so much. She gave me a hug and everything right on the spot. It was a really nice moment. I hope I can continue to be seen that way by her and my family for as long as possible.