Caught A Cold

Catching a cold is usually pretty boring, but during COVID it's different.

Published on August 8, 2021

Project Progress

Project Week Project Hours
Tues, Aug 3 - Sun, Aug 8 3

I managed to squeeze in a little more time this week. I started getting an introduction to CQRS and trying to understand things here and there. I still need to read about the pros and cons about it, but so far I can see that there is a structure that will come in handy as I start adding more functionality to my app. I stopped following the eShopOnWeb project and I'm now following the eShopOnContainers project, because my backend project currently has no server-side rendered views in it. Also, the examples in that project have more services to look at for examples on how to structure my project.


It finally happened. I got a cold. I ended up getting a COVID test to confirm what I already knew, that it wasn't COVID. Having someone swab my brain tissue through my nose was just a bonus. The sensation is unforgettable and I highly recommend it, if you're into torture. Of course, everyone is different and may not agree with my take on the COVID test. I mean don't understand why people wouldn't want to have their brain tickled for free.

In all seriousness, after having went through the process of being tested for COVID, I definitely understand why reported outbreaks mainly happen in workplaces and child care, in fact the people that I saw getting tested were mainly kids. I'm lucky, because I have the luxury to make up lost time whenever I want to and also work from home due to the nature of my work. Unfortunately, I can't say that for the majority of the population.

Aside from that, I'm just glad that when I called for my results they didn't tell me that my test ended up being aladeen. That would have been confusing.

covid test is aladeen