
Consistently exercising is paying off and I'm creating more tutorials.

Published on February 21, 2021

I was more consistent this week and I believe it's the first time I reached the 3 hour mark for project work.

Personally, I started to reap the benefits of my workout routine.

Project Progress

Project Week Project Hours
Mon, Feb 15 - Sun, Feb 21 3

I finished my git reflog tutorial and started a new tutorial on git log --graph. After that I'm going to work on two more tutorials. I'm probably going to either convert those written tutorials to video tutorials or take a different direction completely and focus on finishing a project that I was working on last year.


My knee is feeling better. I've corrected my form and went easier on myself when doing my leg workouts.

I gave guided meditation (via YouTube) a try and really didn't like that. I've meditated before, but I don't think guided meditation is for me. Or, maybe I just need to turn the volume down and chill out.

We had a couple of snowfalls last week and I noticed that I didn't get as tired or sore as I normally would when shoveling snow. That's just another bonus of focusing on my physical health. I'm pretty much hooked on doing any kind of exercising consistently, I find I just have more energy afterwards and I get a better sleep as well.

Finally, I cooked with my daughter today and had a lot of fun teaching her. She tells me she really likes "making recipes" with me. Cooking is one of those things that I never realized I liked doing until I started getting better at it. I'm glad it's something I can share with my daughter now.