
We Have To Stop Meeting Like This

I got busy again.

A New Frontier

I stumbled onto web3 and believe this is a new frontier in web development

Growing Grass

I've been busy growing grass and it's been a great experience so far.


I had a parent moment at Canada's Wonderland

Caught A Cold

Catching a cold is usually pretty boring, but during COVID it's different.

Chugging Along

I'm moving at a slower pace than I like, mainly because I'm looking into different ways of doing things.

Why I Write

I stopped writing posts for a bit, because I needed to re-evaluate why I write.

My Wife

I have never talked about the strongest asset I have in my journey towards creating the greatest app known to mankind, but now I will.

Facebook Login Progress

I made good progress with allowing people to login to my site using their Facebook login.

Father's Day

It's Father's Day today.

So many logins, so many scenarios

Turns out integrating third party logins complicates things a bit.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming

I'm back to somewhat of a routine.

Temporary Regression

I'm struggling to get back to my regular routine and now I'm physically noticing it

I'm Still Here

I missed posting the week before, because life took over.

Busy Week Offline

I had a really busy week that completely threw me off my usual schedule

Slow Project Start

I'm slowly making progress with my project, but not as much as I hoped I would.

Comedy Listings Project

I finished planning my project and now the work begins

Compounding Results Versus Diversification

I try to be very deliberate about the personal projects I take on and what I will get from them at the end. I'm currently trying to balance what that will be.

Setup Time

I'm setting up my development system.

End of The Beginning

I finished my last Git tutorial and it's feels good.

The Final Stretch

I'm working on my what will be my final Git tutorial.

Consistency and Natural Progression

My efforts to be more consistent has prompted me to refine the habits I engage in.

The Byproduct of Creating Tutorials

Creating tutorials has allowed me to ask myself how well I understand a topic.


I'm starting to compromise on some of my routines due to time constraints.


Consistently exercising is paying off and I'm creating more tutorials.

Slowing Down

I've slowed down a bit, because sometimes routine gets boring.

First Tutorial Complete

I finished my first technical tutorial and accomplished one of my goals for this year.

Halfway There

I'm making progress with my tutorial and have finished half of it.

Voice Time

I didn't realize how much I needed to hear a friendly voice until I did.