
I'm starting to compromise on some of my routines due to time constraints.

Published on February 28, 2021

I continued to work on my git log --graph tutorial and came across a couple of snags that slowed me down. I'll finish it this week for sure.

Personally, I'm enjoying watching my daughters grow and learn about the world around them.

Project Progress

Project Week Project Hours
Mon, Feb 22 - Sun, Feb 28 2

I was a little short on time this week, so I made the decision to be a little more flexible on the amount of time I spend on a task. When I work on a "project" I slot 30 minutes to work on it and stop after that, unless I'm in the middle of finishing something right at the end. If for some reason, some household duties complete itself, then I'll go a little longer, but that's usually not the case.

I feel 30 minutes is a good amount of time for me to accomplish small parts of a bigger task. I also do this with my exercising. Although, this week, I brought it down to 20 minutes, because my kids were getting to bed at a later time. Sometimes that happens when life gets busy. Anyways, I never meant to stick to 30 minutes, but I felt I was going to get "nothing" done if trimmed off that 10 minutes, which is silly. The whole reason I'm able to get any of these tutorials done is because I'm consistently working at it. I don't want to keep doing 20 minute sessions, but if the alternative is nothing, then I'll do the 20 minutes. I'll even go as low as 15 minutes, which makes me cringe. Like I said, all or nothing never helped me before. Consistency, seems to be the key for me.


I'm not going to talk about my knee anymore, because it's just a matter of being careful and not overdoing it.

Recently, my youngest daughter went from standing on her own for 1 second, to 2 seconds, to 3 seconds. What's interesting is seeing her attempt to stand on her own. Watching her go to the couch and get herself to a standing position. Then, seeing her holding onto the couch with one arm to steady herself while standing. Finally, she thinks about it for a couple of seconds and then let's go to see herself standing (for a second) until she falls down. Those are the moments that make me smile and feel good about life. Witnessing those moments are important to me, because I know those little things go by quickly.

As for my oldest daughter, we went to get some groceries today. She seemed to love every part of the trip. On the way to the grocery store, she enjoyed the puddles, sliding on the ice, and pretending I was Frosty. Inside the store, she asked about the scale for weighing produce and the "wet floor" sign. Like any responsible dad would do, I told her that the "wet floor" sign was to warn people that the floor was wet and that they could slip on the floor because it's wet. I also, told her that the sign helps prevent the store from being sued. That's where I messed up. I should have told her that it helps prevent the store from being successfully sued. Being a dad is hard.

For me, it's those kind of moments that make life fun. I always try to keep that in mind, when I try to improve myself, so I don't get caught up in the act of improving and forgetting the bigger picture.