A New Frontier

I stumbled onto web3 and believe this is a new frontier in web development

Published on November 7, 2021

Project Progress

Project Project Week Project Hours
Comedy Listing Site Tues, Sep 21 - Sun, Nov 7 0.0
First dApp Tues, Sep 21 - Sun, Nov 7 2.5

I can't believe it's been that long since I haven't worked on my comedy listings project. I'm slightly ashamed. Not completely, because it just means my life got really busy. On the other hand, once things started to slow down, I got introduced to web3 through Twitter.

The only reason I looked into web3 is because I follow this guy, nader dabit, who pretty much did a career switch to web3. He was well established with Amazon in the developer evangelism space. That pretty much piqued my curiosity, because making that kind of change isn't taken lightly. I've looked into it a bit more and uncovered how cryptocurrencies are just the tip of a new frontier in application development. I still have a lot to learn, but so far it's fascinating. I'll try to write about my progress and blog about interesting things I find out. Some of this will be technical, some will be about high level ideas. One thing I'm certain about is that there is a lot of hype around web3 or dApps (decentralized apps) and a lot of misleading garbage.


I really should stop talking about how my life gets busy. It's busy pretty much all the time. Aside from that, my grass grew in and looks okay. The cold weather has come in, so the grass growing festivities have ended. No more watering the lawn at lunch. Praise baby Jesus.

My youngest daughter is talking more and my oldest daughter is getting sassier. I'm giving her the "Excuse me, young lady" look more often. When I do it though, there's a 50% chance that I smile or laugh afterwards. I have to work on that.