A Fine Developer Blog

A reflection on software development, life, and other stuff

We Have To Stop Meeting Like This

I got busy again.

A General Apology To My Fellow Internetians

It's been almost two years and six months since my last post. I got busy again, which is what I said in my last post. I let the universe down, but more importantly I let you down. I'll do better, I (pretend) promise. These are some things I wanted to tell you:

  • The hype around web3 has died down. I didn't get too far into looking into it.
  • AI hype is now happening, specifically around ChatGPT. Most of the hype I have seen is on Twitter. I have yet to be impressed.
  • I've been putting time into growing grass again and in a blind rage to pull out weeds, I pulled out some healthy grass and now I feel like a jerk. A grass murdering jerk.
  • I recently started working fully remote for a new company and I'm enjoying it.
  • Fully remote work is more common now. Hybrid work is accepted now. I'm talking about the software industry, but this does apply to other industries as well.
  • I got a Stream Deck MK.2 and it's been pretty useless for me. It's one of those gadgets that look cool and are only useful if you're weird or doing weird things. No offense to proud owners of this gadget.
  • My shoulder hurts.
  • This blog has been getting more visitors lately. The only difference is that I'm on LinkedIn now.
  • I used to be skeptical of LinkedIn. Overall, it seems to be one of the better ways to find opportunities.
  • I got an electric standing desk. It's awesome for doing monotonous work and dancing at the same time. I highly recommend it.
  • Happy Mother's Day to my wife and my mom.
  • I have decided to be more decisive and less "perfect". This is the result of that decision.

Project Progress

This section is going to slightly change. I'm thinking about tracking days I've worked on a project in order to focus on consistency, rather than time.


Dude, I got busy. Again.
